George Petterson

George Petterson


“Peterson has exhibited his work from Los Angeles to New York including the Boston Fine Art Museum (MA). His sculptures are in the collections of Mint Museum of Craft + Design (NC) and the Wustum Museum (WI). George currently works from his studio in North Carolina. About the skateboards: “”My aim with this series is to celebrate the iconic nature of the skateboard. As a person who obsesses about all the different wood species, I put these broken and banged up pieces of plywood in the same category as any exotic material. Not because its rare or expensive, but that its been processed in a very unique and specific way. Creatively speaking, this series owes much to the culture and industry of skateboarding. Like making art, skateboarding is a very creative and personal outlet. It is also inherently destructive: boards get cracked, broken and worn down. It is a subtle and unintended type mark making. This series is about layers: it speaks of the utility and beauty of wood, the culture and byproducts of out modern world and the visual/ textural language I’ve developed through my work as an artist. “

George Petterson

Marker III
George Petterson


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Untitled (rust with dark blue rectangle)
George Petterson


1 In Stock
George Petterson


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Lingo Series (sold individually)
George Petterson


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